Car trackers NottinghamA newspaper article in a Nottingham newspaper reported how high value cars were being targeted in the Nottingham area where the country’s largest ever car key theft related operation occurred. Eleven men were sentenced for their parts in a professional plot to steal and sell cars burgled from homes across Notts. The thefts of about 60 cars with a value of over £1m were attributed to the operation with only 12 being returned to their owners. Almost all these cars ended up being shipped abroad, often to Africa where their valued triples. There is a way that owners can give themselves the best chance of having their car returned to them: by fitting a car tracker.

That’s where our company Vehicle Tracking Tech comes in. As brilliant as it is simple a car tracker fitted by Vehicle Tracking Tech comprises a car tracking unit which is located within your vehicle in an undetectable place leaving the would-be thief blissfully unaware of its existence. If a thief should take the vehicle the car tracker immediately springs into action informing the police nationwide of its whereabouts. It is immaterial whether the vehicle is simply driven away or hidden in a building because the car tracker will communicate its whereabouts instantly. Even if the thieves attempt to mount it onto a low loader the car tracker’s motion technology will begin beaming its location to the control centre – now that’s clever! As for taking the vehicle abroad the car tracker eliminates this as an option for the thieves since a car tracker fitted by Vehicle Tracking Tech operates virtually globally so there’s virtually nowhere to hide for thief or vehicle.

Car tracking systems offered by Vehicle Tracking Tech come with either Thatcham Cat 5 or 6 accreditation. Cat 5 includes the provision of a separate tag. Should the tag be separated from the vehicle by any measurable distance the car tracker will alert the control centre and then both you and the authorities leading to a swift recovery. With an unrivalled record in the supply and installation of car tracking systems to suit all budgets Vehicle Tracking Tech, with a nationwide distribution network, including the entire Nottingham area, can ensure one is fitted at a time and place to suit you. Each car tracker is guaranteed for 1-3 years via a no quibble parts and labour warranty.

Please contact us for a no obligation quotation and let Vehicle Tracking Tech give you the peace of mind you deserve.